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Rukiya Robinson speaker, principal HR and organizational leadership

Rukiya Robinson – Speaker, Principal HR and organizational Leadership

I knew last year that it was time to amplify my speaking career and adequately prepare for where I was going professionally so joining The Big Talk Membership Community was a no brainer.  Tricia Brouk is the REAL DEAL hands down so I knew the caliber of value and information I would be receiving. This group is filled with rock star professionals doing amazing work in their respective areas of expertise.  I knew that I wanted to cultivate my gifts but I feel best of me is being pulled out and I am getting more than I bargained for. If you want to be among the best, you must learn from and be around the best. Joining this community has been the best decision I could have ever made!

Andrew Bennett speaker, leadership executive and founder of #PracticalMagic

Andrew Bennett – Speaker, Leadership Executive and Founder of #PracticalMagic

Even though I’ve been speaking professionally for over 50 years, being a member of the Big Talk Membership Community is helping me become a better, more successful speaker. The Community is a source of skill development and inspiration that is taking me to the next level. Tricia Brouk has created this community for speakers at any stage of their career. You will find membership invaluable for growing as a speaker, and for increasing your speaking business. The community offers a rich portfolio of resources and connects speakers who support one another. Tricia nurtures the community with wisdom and love, and she has attracted similarly nurturing members. It’s a safe place to learn and practice.I’m grateful to be part of the Big Talk Membership Community. It’s a strategic investment, fueling my vision to share my message with more and more people.