Speaker, Human Rights Advocate, Partner Seyfarth Shaw LLP
I had the pleasure of listening to Tricia talk about how to be a fearless speaker. It was at a time when I was planting the seeds for diversifying my law practice into business and human rights. I was encouraged to start speaking and to build my credibility and voice. When I heard and watched the elegance of Tricia, I knew I had to meet her. I never thought about speaking on big stages. As a lawyer, I was thinking about speaking to audiences of business people or trade associations about changing legal landscapes. Others would tell me that they could see me doing a Ted talk. I couldn’t see it.
Tricia did and saw me in way that was much bigger than how I saw myself and my path evolving. We undertook a year long process of marrying the lawyer world and approach with Tricia’s creative world and expansive vision. With weekly meetings, Tricia and I talked through my ideas, the space of business and human rights (specifically forced labor) which was overwhelming and complex, and made my ideas digestible and clear. We developed clarity to my mission, which set the foundation for developing content for talks and personal conversations to fulfill my mission.
Through mindset work, Tricia helped me see myself in a different and more holistic light and gain a confidence and trust in myself at a new level. As a lawyer, writing and speaking can become distant. Teasing out my mission and then working to develop talks around that, speaking becomes much less distant and much more personal. Tricia’s approach holds space for you to work through the discomfort and vulnerabilities that come up through the writing process. But, I did it. Over the year, we developed a keynote and Ted-style talk for Speakers Who Dare. Tricia coached me on speaking as a guest on podcasts, which I did twice during our time together. I created a vision of the speaker I’d like to present and we work towards that delivery. Through the entire process from writing to delivery, Tricia gently pushes you to present yourself in the way that is the most true and aligned to who you are.
While I was sad when our year’s work was over, it ended with applying to TedX Farmingdale and my application was accepted. This Fall I’ll be doing my first TedX talk and am coming into the process with a clear and aligned view and comfort in speaking because we developed such a solid foundation with my mission.
© Tricia Brouk, Brouk Moves Inc, DBA The Big Talk