The Big Talk Membership Community for Speakers

All the support you need to find and use your influential voice as you perfect, perform, and pitch your Big Talk.

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YOU are a powerful speaker.

You know you have a big message to deliver, and a world-changing purpose to fulfill.

But you haven’t fully developed your raw talent yet, and you’re not sure where to get what you need as an emerging speaker.

You’ve tried other speaking communities, but they never felt like the right fit. They were full of egos and posturing . . . the opposite of what you desire in a community of purpose-minded influential voices.

You may be just starting out on the speaking circuit, you may have been speaking for a few years but still not making the impact you know you’re destined for, or you may be earning a living from speaking yet have a deep conviction that you’re meant for something even greater.

Wherever you are in your journey, one thing you’re sure of is that you’re ready to go below the surface.

You want to express your truest, deepest, most aligned message. You’re a GOOD speaker, but you know it’s time for you to up your game and become a GREAT speaker . . . an Influential Voice.

Tricia Brouk top 10 public speaking coach

Imagine that you had the support to:

Get your message heard by the exact people who need to hear it . . . the people whose experience will be changed forever when they receive the hope, inspiration, information or solution they need… that only you can deliver.

Hone your transformational talk for greatest impact, and get yourself on the world’s most influential stages—so your story can heal and inspire millions of people.

Master your message

so that you can perform your talk anywhere, at any time, with confidence and clarity.

Pitch your presentation

to world-class event organizers in a way that’s polished, professional, and personal.

Become an Influential Voice

and make a real and lasting impact despite a changing and noisy landscape.

Leave a legacy

that outlives you, as your message is passed down from generation to generation.

This is exactly what we support you with in The Big Talk Membership Community for speakers.

Hi, I’m Tricia Brouk,

the founder of the Big Talk Academy and The Big Talk Membership Community for speakers

Helping you find and use YOUR influential voice is my life’s mission.

As a speaking and performance expert with 30 years’ international award-winning experience in theater and entertainment, I come to the table with business acumen as well as an artist’s soul and a generous heart.

I made my way to New York City and pursued my dream against all odds, buoyed up by the encouragement of my dance instructor, who gave me the gift of transformational mentorship and helped me believe that I could do ANYTHING.

Now, I cultivate this same loving environment of endless creativity and possibility for the speakers I mentor.

When a friend booked a TEDx and asked me to direct it, I said yes to that, too. We did blocking, script analysis, same as for a one-woman show. My theater skills translated easily to the TED stage. I fell in love. With actors, it’s all about them; with speakers like you,

It's all about the message.

Over the next few years, I created a podcast about public speaking, got my TEDx license, started producing events and realized I’d found my purpose—without leaving my creativity or three decades of expertise in theatrical performance behind.

As an international award-winning director and Executive Producer of countless live and virtual events, in less than 3 years I’ve put more than 50 speakers onto more than 15 TEDx stages, most of whom went on to the main stage.

Now my mission is to equip visionaries like you to cultivate your talent and become an Influential Voice, a true change-maker who stands out from the sea of paint-by-numbers speakers.

As I shepherded world-class speakers onto the planet’s most influential stages, I noticed a major gap in the training that was being offered to speakers who desire more than just fame and money.

And many of my speakers confided that they felt alone within the speaking community, where they were surrounded by big egos and lots of posturing.

I saw the need for a diverse and inclusive community of speakers with soul . . .

A community where talent would be refined and purpose ignited . . .

A community where internationally-known experts would generously give of their time and knowledge to emerging speakers . .

And so I created that community.


The Big Talk Membership Community for Speakers program

Find and use your Influential Voice as you perfect, perform and pitch your Big Talk.

We are at a historic crossroads globally.

One of the most important conversations of our time, around systemic racism, diversity, representation, and equality, is happening right now.

The world is being cracked open, as all perspectives demand to be heard, acknowledged, considered, healed, and loved.

What perspective do you bring to the table? Who could you help with your story? What you say and how you say it are the legacy you leave behind.

Powerful and influential voices need to be heard, encouraging and facilitating understanding, compassion, and love—to ignite and inspire the change we so desperately need.

Yours is one of these voices.

And The Big Talk Membership Community for speakers was specifically designed to equip you to speak on worldwide platforms where your message can make the impact it deserves.

“The Big Talk Membership Community is led by the wonderful, award-winning director, Tricia Brouk. She is a phenomenal woman in her own right. She has created a sacred space for all of us where we are able to share ideas, share our goals, our dreams, and our desires.”

Linda Boney

Speaker and Feng Shui Expert

The Big Talk Speaker Success Framework™

Inside the Community, you’ll walk through our Speaker Success Framework™ so you can master the 5 Pillars of becoming an influential voice:

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Pillar One: Purpose, Values & Mission

The most impactful speakers are driven by much more than money and fame. They have a big vision and a burning desire to leave a legacy. Inside the Membership Community for speakers, you’ll dive deep into your purpose, values and mission, so that every talk you give is undergirded by your powerful “Why.” This pillar also includes access to my Influential Voice Masterclass, where you’ll learn step-by-step how to develop your voice to stand out in a crowded sea of speakers.

Pillar Two: Idea-Mining

There’s a specific strategy for combing through all of your experiences, your vast expertise, and your unique perspective to find the most brilliant and share-worthy ideas. Pillar 2 walks you through this process so you know exactly which pieces of your own history will make the biggest impact for your audience.

Pillar Three: Generating Content

Pillar Three focuses on producing fresh, impactful content with ease. You’ll never run out of ways to share your powerful message after getting access to the trainings in this pillar. You even get access to our popular Story Arc framework that will show you how to take the most seemingly mundane story and make it riveting.

Pillar Four: Captivating Performance

There’s a specific strategy for combing through all of your experiences, your vast expertise, and your unique perspective to find the most brilliant and share-worthy ideas. Pillar 2 walks you through this process so you know exactly which pieces of your own history will make the biggest impact for your audience.

Pillar Five: Pitch Perfect

While money isn’t the main reason that Big Talk Community members want to expand their reach and get their message heard, being able to bring in solid, reliable income from speaking is instrumental is freeing up your time and energy so you can make your mark on the world stage. In this Pillar, you’ll get expert guidance on crafting an irresistible pitch for your Big Talk. You also get deep money mindset support, networking training, and even a framework for how you can collect social proof and testimonials inside this training.

Your membership includes:

  • An exclusive, highly curated Resource Bank of my top recommended tools and resources for elevating your speaker platform, with guidance on everything from dealing with nerves to starting a podcast to pitching your next TED talk. (Valued at $20,000)
  • 24/7 access to the amazing, supportive community of speakers through a private online community. (Valued at $1,500)
  • Constantly refreshed content and new material, based on the needs of the community members (you have the opportunity to ask for support on any topic that will enhance your speaking prowess, and know that we’ll deliver it). (Valued at $10,000)
  • Live access to world-class training and expert guidance, so you get the help you need when you need it. (Valued at $5,000)
  • Monthly Training with me, Tricia Brouk, where we’ll go deep on a new topic plus have dedicated time for you to get your questions asked and answered. (Valued at $12,000)
  • Monthly Guest Expert Training taught by industry experts each and every month where we’ll go deep on topics ranging from publicity to referable branding to leadership, high performance, money mindset and more. (Valued at $12,000)
  • Access to a dedicated Big Talk Speaker Coach inside our private online community. (Valued at $10,000)
  • Monthly Goal-Setting and Accountability Training to keep you on track to living out your vision for impact in 2021. (Valued at $12,000)
  • And other surprises! (Invaluable)

The Big Talk Membership Community for speakers
is valued at $7000 per month or $84,000 per year.

The Big Talk Membership Community for speakers is For YOU If . . .

“I’ve been on that stage and it was one of the greatest moments of my life. It was one of my goals and it will change your life. If you want to get on that TEDx stage, sign up.” 

– LeRon Barton

TEDx Speaker, Author and Advocate

Here’s what you can expect to gain from The Big Talk Membership Community For Speakers:

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Tricia Brouk looking playful in a black dress with white polka dots and orange heels

The Big Talk Membership Community for speakers is an ongoing support system, nourishing purpose-driven speakers.

Like a heartbeat, it is a constant that you can rely on, and return to again and again, when and as you need it. It’s a place you can come to and live in for as long as you like. And as you grow within the community, the community grows with you.

Elizabeth Molina The Big Talk Community Member

“You changed my life. You helped me understand why I’m on this planet. I will never be the same.”

– Elizabeth Molina

The Big Talk Community Member

Brandy Edwards speaker and attorney

The support from Tricia, as well as the members, has created a safe and encouraging space for me to tap into my unlimited potential as a speaker.”

Brandy Edwards

Speaker and Attorney

Andrew Bennett veteran speaker

Even though I’ve been speaking professionally for over 50 years, being a member of the Big Talk Membership Community is helping me become a better, more successful speaker. The Community is a source of skill development and inspiration that is taking me to the next level.

– Andrew Bennett

Veteran Speaker

Rukiya Robinson speaker, Speaker, HR Principal, and leadership and organization consultant

“This group is filled with rock star professionals doing amazing work in their respective areas of expertise… If you want to be among the best, you must learn from and be around the best. Joining this community has been the best decision I could have ever made!“

– Rukiya Robinson 

Speaker, Principal HR, and Organization Leadership

Why Join The Big Talk Membership Community for speakers?

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Speaking is lonely. No one can stand beside you on that stage. No one can prep for you. No one can memorize your lines or share each word with depth and emotion. It’s all you there.

But while you may be alone on the stage, in The Big Talk Membership Community for speakers, you’re never by yourself.

Knowing you have a community to turn to, one that won’t judge you but will step up when you need them, is priceless.

We’re there for each other, whether it’s sharing a contract template, all applying to an event and celebrating together whoever gets chosen, or getting feedback on an opening.

At The Big Talk, we’ve redefined the speaker community to be about the collective. When one person’s chosen, we’re all chosen. The value of this cannot be underestimated.

Our Membership Community draws people from all walks of life, from all over the world. This is a different kind of speakers’ community, a community predicated on non judgment that’s built on the idea that diversity is critically important.

We take an active role as a community in cultivating diversity and a safe space for all people, embracing and carefully curating conscious language. How we use our voices responsibly and respectfully in the world starts here.

There’s no negativity. We are all equal. We are all here to support one another. Nobody’s voice gets louder than the other.

The Big Talk Membership Community for speakers has members who have spoken professionally for over 30 years, TEDx speakers, and authors, as well as subject matter experts relatively new to speaking, who are looking to grow.

The range of experience in the room allows seasoned speakers to mentor and advise newbies, and vice versa; the learning goes both ways.

Members have included:

  • An actor from Broadway’s Hamilton, who’s a survivor, advocate, and a “Soldier of Love”;
  • An Asian American educator in Chicago who is married to a white guy, has biracial children, and is done tolerating racism that’s “not so bad”;
  • Former assistant to Ross Perot, magician, and two time TEDx speaker who’s following his new calling, to move out of corporate;
  • A divorced mother of three and entrepreneur in Singapore, talking about how leaders need to value the human spirit in their talent;
  • An immigrant, TEDx speaker and spiritual guide, who only took her first stage two years ago;
  • The founder of American parkour who is “constantly going back to the calls for all the useful and practical guidance”;
  • A cancer survivor, who talks about overcoming fear, and is finally free to talk about race;
  • A Texas lawyer who’s cultivating her speaking career in a big way;
  • A New York playwright now living in vibrant Minneapolis who desires to “be a bridge between the two theater communities”;
  • A leadership and HR consultant who founded Black Women Entrepreneurs to “support women of color in building 6-figure businesses.”

Here’s what a few of our Members had to say about their experience inside the Community:

Ming Shelby

TEDx Speaker, Educator, Podcaster

“This group is filled with so many giving, kind people that are all about lifting each other up, and I just appreciate that so, so much. And I also value how knowledgeable Tricia is… I’m so grateful for this group and so grateful for Tricia.”


TEDx Speaker, Educator, Podcaster


TEDx Speaker, Educator, Podcaster

“Despite not seeing the community face-to-face yet, they have been a family to me. They have been my community that really empowers me with courage, confidence, and commitment as they keep me accountable as I really commit to achieving my goals and dreams.”

If you’re on the fence, please know that The Big Talk Membership Community for speakers isn’t for everyone.

If the core of your message is a story that still wounds you . . . I honor your experience. And, you have some healing work to do first. We’ll be waiting for you on the other side.

If you’re looking for “hacks” for the big stage, or “tricks” for captivating your audience, you won’t find any superficial tactics here.

This is not your typical “speaker training” or “get over fear of public speaking” club.

If you are generally negative, resistant to feedback, or someone who struggles with self-love and confidence, constantly comparing yourself to others . . . this is probably not the community for you. Although, being in this community can change all that.

And if your sole intention is to use public speaking as part of a marketing strategy, or to pitch from stage, those are totally valid motives. But you’d be better served elsewhere.

Will getting your big talk on big stages drive business to you, and grow your platform and revenue? Absolutely.

Is that the main reason why my speakers work with me? No. Their missions are far bigger.

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Still not sure whether we’re the best Community for you?

You deserve to feel fully confident in your decision to join The Big Talk Membership Community. And there are two ways we want to help you do that. First, there are no long-term commitments required when you join us. Your Membership runs month-to-month, and you can cancel at any time (all we ask is that you give us 30 business days’ notice before your next month).

If knowing that you’re not locked into anything still doesn’t fully ease your mind, please feel free to email me and my team at [email protected] or send me a Messenger message via the button in the bottom right corner of this page. Me or one of my team will respond to your question promptly.

Your Investment

Prior to this program, the only way to have access to my training and guidance was to work one-on-one with me in my Speaker Salon, a minimum $25,000 investment, or to join The Big Talk Academy certification program at $5,000.

But as our world has faced unexpected changes, which are creating unprecedented opportunities for new voices to get heard, I knew we needed to meet you where you’re at and get these resources into your hands without you having to wait a day longer.

So I made The Big Talk Membership Community for speakers available at a no-brainer price.

And since, as membership grows in the coming years, it’s likely the investment will too, you get the opportunity to lock in your price for life:

The Big Talk Membership Community for speakers is valued at $7000 per month or $84,000 per year.

or save $87 and join for a full year for just $447.

BONUS: Every new member receives the Allyship as a Journey recorded workshop, led by guest expert Erica Courdae, who has dedicated her life to expanding how others interact with the world through powerful conversations. You’ll learn about:

  • Imperfect allyship as a component of imperfect action
  • How to identify your values as a part of navigating difficult conversations
  • How race creates real challenges and how to address them
  • How using your voice is a part of advocating for yourself and others, especially in relation to representation

Your membership includes:

  • An exclusive, highly curated Resource Bank of my top recommended tools and resources for elevating your speaker platform, with guidance on everything from dealing with nerves to starting a podcast to pitching your next TED talk. (Valued at $20,000)
  • 24/7 access to the amazing, supportive community of speakers through a private online community. (Valued at $1,500)
  • Constantly refreshed content and new material, based on the needs of the community members (you have the opportunity to ask for support on any topic that will enhance your speaking prowess, and know that we’ll deliver it). (Valued at $10,000)
  • Live access to world-class training and expert guidance, so you get the help you need when you need it. (Valued at $5,000) 
  • Monthly Training with me, Tricia Brouk, where we’ll go deep on a new topic plus have dedicated time for you to get your questions asked and answered. (Valued at $12,000)
  • Monthly Guest Expert Training taught by industry experts each and every month where we’ll go deep on topics ranging from publicity to referable branding to leadership, high performance, money mindset and more. (Valued at $12,000)
  • Access to a dedicated Big Talk Speaker Coach inside our private online community. (Valued at $10,000)
  • Monthly Goal-Setting and Accountability Training to keep you on track to living out your vision for impact in 2021. (Valued at $12,000)
  • And other surprises! (Invaluable) 

You’ve made it this far.

The world is waiting for your voice.

You deserve to get heard.

Now take the next step:


Join The Big Talk Membership Community for speakers today.

Tricia Brouk public speaking coach, talking at an event
The Big Talk Membership Community for Speakers

© 2022 - Tricia Brouk