Episode 167 It’s All About Community

167 It’s All About Community – Alysia Dahir

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All TEDx events share common elements: speakers, an audience, event organizers, and more. But each event is also an experience that is unique to its own time and place. Today’s guest shares how she has taken unique aspects of her local community and integrated them into her TEDx event for greater impact.

Alysia Dahir is a local-born Arizona girl who has traveled the world in search of the magic in culture and society. During this journey she spent her Junior year abroad living in Germany studying language and culture emerging in the society. In the most recent years she was a Federal analyst, a corporate accountant and is CFO for #DQD Inc. She is currently fostering innovation and sustainable practices in education teaching for the Deer Valley and Fountain Hills School Districts. Strengthening inter-connected communities is what has led her to become the organizer for TEDxFountainHills.

We’ll explore:

  • How Alysia became involved with TEDx.
  • Behind-the-scenes info on TEDxFountainHills.
  • The difference between a larger event and a salon.
  • Why you should discover what is unique about your community, and how that uniqueness make a difference.
  • What Alysia looks for when curating an event.
  • Alysia’s favorite thing about being an organizer.
  • Alysia’s favorite TED talk.
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