Episode 158 All About TEDxAruba

158 All About TEDxAruba – Elton Arends

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How does an employee of the government in Aruba become a TEDx organizer? On today’s episode, you’ll hear Elton Arends’ amazing story of how TEDx helped him meet new people and begin impacting more lives through his work with TEDxAruba.

Elton Arends is the Creative at 360 degrees innovation. He loves helping to resolve problems by thinking out of the box and creating concepts. He has spent the majority of his career in the creative industry, gaining experience in areas such as art direction, branding strategy, and marketing. While creative @ 360 is his primary job by day, Elton also enjoys organizing TEDxAruba events and a night out with good friends.

We’ll explore:

  • How working for the government in Aruba led to Elton’s involvement in TEDx.
  • What the TEDxAruba event is like.
  • What the team looks for when curating the event.
  • How the team selected speakers for the event.
  • Elton’s strategy for identifying a theme each year.
  • Elton’s favorite thing about being a TEDx organizer.
  • How to become a speaker on the TEDxAruba stage.
  • One of Elton’s favorite TED talks.
  • How they help coach their speakers.
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