Public Speaking Coach
A public speaking coaching session will help you to develop your skills as a powerful and confident speaker. You’ll be able to explore topics, practice techniques, get feedback on your performance, understand nonverbal cues and body language, receive tips for overcoming stage fright and anxiety, and practice delivering dynamic presentations. Tricia will also help you to identify areas for improvement and develop strategies for becoming a more effective speaker in every aspect of your professional and personal life.
The length of time required depends on the individual. It greatly depends on the amount of time, effort and work you put into your lessons. The key is to practice regularly and devote yourself to mastering the skills necessary for delivering memorable speeches. With Tricia’s help, you can start to see measurable improvements within a few short weeks.
A keynote speaker serves as the centerpiece of an event or gathering. They are usually invited to address a group of attendees on a particular topic and to provide insight, knowledge, and inspiration for those listening.
The key to being a successful motivational speaker is having the ability to connect with and engage an audience. This requires practice and dedication, among other things. To hone your public speaking skills, consider working with Tricia Brouk. Tricia curated The Speaker Salon, a live speaker-exclusive intensive in NYC, hosts The Art of the Big Talk, a virtual 2-day public speaking masterclass, and provides her signature program, The Big Talk Academy, to teach speakers to communicate effectively and lead at a world class level.