Episode 226 Use Your Voice to Empower Others with Robin Joy Meyers

226 Use Your Voice to Empower Others – Robin Joy Meyers

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Fear, Audience, Connection, Empowerment, Business

226 Use Your Voice to Empower Others – Robin Joy Meyers


What is the end result of your speaking? Of course, making a living is very high on the list. Yet at the end of the day, our speaking is not only about us. It’s ultimately about empowering others and changing lives. Today’s guest will equip you to find your unique voice boldly empower your audience to take action.

Robin Joy Meyers is best-selling author, radio host, international speaker and a
molecular geneticist. Robin’s expertise in the fields of mindset, leadership, and transitions empowers women to give themselves permission to harness fear and pivot and speak their truths.

We’ll explore:

  • Why fear can be an advantage when you choose how you deal with it.
  • How Robin is using her upcoming international speaking tour to strategize more opportunities to speak.
  • Robin’s thoughts on the business of speaking, and why there is always the opportunity to monetize.
  • What Robin has learned from speaking mistakes.
  • How speaking has helped Robin’s business.
  • Tips for becoming a speaker.

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