Episode 270 Leading Without a Title with Vicki Salemi

270 Leading Without a Title – Vicki Salemi

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Leadership, Authenticity, Humility, Listening, Example

270 Leading Without a Title – Vicki Salemi


Do you need a title to be a leader? You probably already realize the answer is “no.” If so, then what DOES it take to be a great leader? Today’s guest reveals powerful principles for that anyone—no matter what their position—can use to influence and lead others in a greater way.

Vicki Salemi is a career expert, former corporate recruiting executive, author, speaker and columnist based in NYC. She loves empowering people to the fullest potential in their careers. She’s also launching a startup, Exhale First, family support for elder care this year. The initial focus is how to manage your career and life during this turbulent time. When she’s not working, Vicki’s planning her next trip to Italy and jewelry shopping online.

We’ll explore: 

  • How to lead without a role or title.
  • Why we must accept the responsibility for authentic leadership.
  • How to become a better listener by asking great questions.
  • The importance of leading by example.
  • Vicki’s answer to the question, “Do you believe that we are all born leaders?”
  • Vicki’s advice for being a great leader.

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