Episode 202 Getting Clear About Your Audience with Sophia Remolde

202 Getting Clear About Your Audience – Sophia Remolde

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Feedback, Audience, Clarity, Connection, Inspiration

202 Getting Clear About Your Audience – Sophia Remolde


What is the best way to identify your audience and get clear on whom you’re speaking to? Today’s guest talks about this process, which began by looking within herself and then getting feedback from others. Her process and strategies will help you get clear on your audience as well.

Sophia Remolde is the bestselling author of Phase Out: The Secret Guide to Finding Work that Frees Your Soul. Sophia believes creativity is the very spark of human enlightenment; her mission is to free that energy and awaken a wildfire of consciousness. Sophia guides spiritual creatives on pilgrimages so they can uplevel in their businesses, heal their lives, and change the world.

We’ll explore:

  • Sophia’s audience—spirit-centered creatives—and how she defines “creativity.”
  • How she discovered her audience by first looking within herself, then getting feedback from others.
  • Why it is important to know whom you’re talking to.
  • What Sophia wants from her audience, and how she goes about getting it.
  • How to pivot when you are using a tactic that is not working.
  • Sophia’s three action words in speaking: spellbind, enlighten, empower.

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