Episode 594 Masterclass Hot Seat Coaching 17

594 Masterclass Hot Seat Coaching – #17

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Show Summary:

In today’s special bonus episode, I am taking you behind the scenes of The Art of The Big Talk, my live two-day virtual masterclass.

During these done-with-you days, I support speakers and thought leaders in becoming laser-focused on their desires and ideas. I arm them with comprehensive, meticulously-crafted systems to skyrocket their impact and open doors to coveted stages.

One way I do this is through 1:1 live coaching and direction from me, and that’s what you’ll hear in today’s episode. 

In this episode, we’ll explore:

  • Channeling during your talk instead of following a script and why I only recommend this to very select speakers
  • Knowing who you are and speaking to the people who need to hear from you
  • Creating curiosity by how you deliver your big talk
  • Narrowing down your ideas and uncovering the talk you are supposed to give

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