Episode 252 The Generous Storyteller with Antesa Jensen

252 The Generous Storyteller – Antesa Jensen

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Leadership, Mindset, Storytelling, Generosity, Vulnerability


Storytelling and leadership are all about sharing—not only our stories, but who we are at our core. Today’s guest shares why this simple concept of generosity is so critical to great leadership and storytelling, and how to share more of yourself and your experiences with your audience.

Antesa Jensen is an emotional intelligence and human-centric innovation expert, specializing in evoking and conjuring the genius in others, potentiating personal and cultural entropy in organizations, and teaching leaders how to create brilliant teams through keynote speeches, bespoke transformational experiences, and 1:1 coaching.

We’ll explore: 

  • How storytelling can help us embrace our collective humanity and generate massive amounts of empathy.
  • Why great storytellers are generous.
  • The language of the body and vibration, and how it is related to storytelling.
  • How Antesa visualized her appearance on a TED stage.
  • What makes a great storyteller and leader.
  • How to reframe failure as learning and change your own story.
  • The difference between being vulnerable and being raw.
  • Why your thoughts are not the same things as your feelings.

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